Recognising familiar faces (including your own) is an enormous treat for your baby as he learns to identify people by name and association.
Skills developed: pattern recognition, fine motor
What you'll need: a small photo album - the type where the photos slide into clear plastic pockets.
Buy a small photo album and fill it with pictures of your baby and the people in his life. In addition to relatives and family friends (the most typical photo subjects), try to include pictures of babysitters or caregivers, neighbours, and other babies and children you know.
Give the album to your baby and tell him it's his very own. Sit with him and show him the photos, letting him communicate his feelings to you. He'll react to the familiar ones with excitement and point out any faces he doesn't recognise with a questioning expression. Then put the album on his bookshelf or in his toy box, where he can flip through it on his own. It'll quickly become a favourite - and a parents’ lifesaver on plane trips and long car rides.
You've probably noticed that your baby loves to watch anything that involves people and movement, so sports are naturally fascinating. It's a challenge for her to follow the constant changes; now the ball's here - ooh, nope, now it's over there …
Skills developed: visual
What you'll need: a local football pitch, netball or tennis court complete with players.
If your local sports centre or park has a football pitch, netball or tennis court, find out when they are most frequently used then take your baby along for a little spectator sport. Sit her on your lap or park her buggy somewhere where she will have a good, unobstructed view of the game. Whether it's the colourful shirts of the players or the regular thwunk of the ball hitting the court, your baby will be intrigued. Do watch out for stray balls though and be ready to spring into action if necessary.
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